A little financial freedom and a future a wee bit more rosy. A lot of adventure and new passport stamps. New found confidence... a revived interest in running and healthier habits.
Good friends I've known a long, long time. New friends who are fast becoming good friends.
Discovering the freedom of feeling good on your own, instead of selling out for someone who leaves you wanting something more and different.
I wanted to say a lot about how well 2014 has treated me. This isn't one of those years to shake out like a threadbare, dusty rug. This year is a friend who makes me linger at the door, begging them to stick around and share one more toast, one more memory, one more happy day.
As with most blog posts these days, I've decided I'd rather keep it all inside, and let 2014 be a bottle of something I sip on alone when I need to remind myself of opportunity and happiness and strength.
This was a beautiful year.
And it makes me so damn excited about what awaits in 2015.
Here's to even more security - financial or otherwise. Here's to new places and faces to see and love. Here's to growing into someone I like and whose company I enjoy all on my own.
It's taken me a long time to say that last line.
Thank you, 2014.

Kate's Random Musings by Katy Crossen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.