Friday, February 14, 2014

Thank You, You Know Who

It sounds so Hollywood.

The working woman arrives at her desk after a heady meeting and discovers a stunning floral arrangement.

Blood red rose petals, snowy white hydrangeas. A card. A mystery.


Every smart, beautiful woman deserves flowers on Valentine's Day!

Enjoy the day...
A friend."

My head swirled yesterday afternoon, running down the candidates who could send such a kind and encouraging message.

  • Someone I've kissed
  • Someone I want to kiss
  • A dear gal pal
  • One of my favorite, fabulous gays
  • The ever-present best guy
  • My parents
  • My sisters
  • My niece and nephew (with the help of their mother)
  • An admirer from afar
  • A friendly gentleman 
 I thought about ringing up the florist. A Spanish inquisition of sorts centering on the source of sentiment. But who sent it? I'd ask. A plea with the intention of returning such generosity.

But no. This kind stranger brought joy to me on a day that is wrangled with so many emotions and challenges for us single types. It can be quite difficult at times, seeing couples canoodle, and suffering through the berating in commercials cheering, "Every kiss begins with K."

Valentine's Day is great for lovers. It smites for those still seeking their one and only.

So thank you, mysterious benefactor of my bachelor girl heart. Thank you for making me feel just as special as someone who has another to call their own. You can't know how much it warmed me up.

The truth is any number of people could have sent me this lovely display of affection, and that reminds me I'm already loved well enough.

How do you express the gratitude for that?

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.