Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just Another Party

Soon I'll be shaving my legs and rolling my hair in curlers.

That's how it goes when a girl's got to get ready for a party.

And while this is a party that involves vows and cake and toasts and dancing, I am doing my damndest to convince myself it's just another party.

I must say, I am looking forward to this event; the bride is a friend of mine, and I'm excited to share in the celebration. The groom is a very well connected man, and it's reasonable to expect the guests at this party may include some folks from local politics or the pro football arena.
In fact, the reception is happening IN a pro football arena.
I'm taking along my trusty platonic sidekick, Jos, as he has gotten to know the bridal couple at a few other things I've dragged him to. We will commiserate, as misery loves company, or at the very least - some good cocktail conversation.

Time marches on, and our friends and family get married and have babies and get divorced and bury their loved ones. The second hand waits for no one, and so we behold the blessings and brace for the tragedy brought on by the sweeping clock.
Sometimes I feel like I must brace for my blessings - because they bring on an uncertainty and unknown that makes me fearful.
And that's when I remind myself that many times the unknown is beautiful.

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