Sunday, April 24, 2011

This Is Not A Photography Blog

Don't worry, I'm not gonna stop writing.

But my mama presented my dad and me with such a lovely Easter dinner that I had to snap some pics.

Asparagus with a bevy of toppings including egg and tomato. It was 'bursting with flavor,' as my dad said.

So, I am cut from the same hunk of wood as my father.

We look alike, think alike and sometimes act alike. We both switch smoothly between gregarious and reflective. At any given time, we can either be the biggest talkers - or listeners - in the room.


There we were, flitting around my mom's kitchen, each of us with cameras in hand, snapping pictures of the wonderful Easter bounty she prepared for we three.

She rolled her eyes as we traded spots on either side of the counter, crouching in and zooming to capture our perfect shots.

"What with all of the photos?" she crowed, feigning displeasure as we buzzed to chronicle the holiday for family and anyone else who'd care.

Mashed potato and sweet potato souffle

My mom is actually a great cook.

Growing up, I was the only kid I knew who dined on homemade quiche and Asian stir fry. When other kids were burying their fish sticks in their Hungry Jack fake mashed potatoes, my mom was steaming salmon and peeling Idaho potatoes and mashing them by hand.

And there was never a lump in the entire pot.

 Candied ham, potato/sweet potato souffle, spring asparagus, seasonal fruit and pineapple casserole

Holidays really aren't all about being gourmet, though.

It's an opportunity to break bread with loved ones, think about those who've passed on and talk about the past/present/future.

In our family, we like to sit down at the dining room table, the settings a mishmash of formality, heirloom and seasonal decoration.

The elbow room was plentiful, but our conversations focused on the loved ones who were with us in spirit. My sisters, my brother-in-law and niece, my grandmother. We walked down memory lane and enjoyed a moment of just being together.

It doesn't happen nearly as often as it should.

When I was little, Easter was all about the candy, the manic electricity that bubbles up while hunting for the Bunny's hidden stash.

These days, it's just about being together, being thankful for all our gifts and the sacrifices that others have made for us.

(P.S. I got a new, fancy camera ahead of next month's trip. I promise I won't inundate you with pics, but I want to practice a little bit so I am ready to capture the Taj Mahal in all its glory. Hope you don't mind!)

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Creative Commons License

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