Well. Maybe you don't - but someone does. Because my blog traffic has gone through the roof in the past 24 hours.
I used to see between 150 and 400 visits daily - not bad for a random blog about nothing.
Well, somehow I hit the stat jackpot, and now I'm getting hits in the thousands. As of 9:43 this morning, I'm at 4,092 hits for the day.
I think there must be some kind of weird Blogger glitch, because it looks like you're all getting here from the navigation bar's "next blog" button.
Regardless, I'm so glad you're here. Let me put on some lip gloss, fluff up the virtual pillows and pour you a nice Manhattan. Or perhaps lemonade is more your style?
Whatever the case may be - welcome.
Since you're here, let offer you a random selection of some of my favorite posts. Some of these pieces may make you laugh your ass off - others will definitely require some Kleenex.
Welcome Home
One Voice
One More Angel To Watch Over Us
Reason #513 Why Women Should Wear Stilettos
Peter Pan Syndrome
The Last Shampoo
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
Clarence and Rocky
Kate the Great

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
i have just read your blog..
i one of person who click navigation bar's "next blog" button..
sorry..because my english is bad cause i`m Indonesian..difficult for me to write in english
i have read all of your post in "favorite posts"
Rocky "another jew in the oven" Hoffschneider.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Columbine.
go for the glitch, because that is how i just got here. Great blog, i am now a follower.
I got here via the "Next Blog" link.
You're a cutie... glad you put on some lip gloss and had some drinks ready!!
~Bob B.
Nice work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the Next Blog button on the blue Nav Bar located at the top of my blogger.com site. I frequently just travel around looking for other blogs which exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people express themselves. Thanks for sharing.
I started reading (and following on twitter) 7 months ago when I was first preparing to move to Cincinnati.
Great stuff, congrats on the traffic spike! Now to see how long it will sustain. Hopefully you've acquired some new regular readers in the meantime.
Enjoy your new traffic! Wish it happened to me! I just hit 'next blog' and here I am. Enjoy the day! Everybody' hungry. Gotta go. Come visit.
I got here by the "next blog". You have a "real life" blog - that's interesting.
I did an experiement. I pushed the "next blog" and discovered I can only get 3 blogs with the next blog button. Yours and 2 others.
Guess what? Here via the Next Blog button. But all traffic is good traffic. Enjoy the fame and 'love'
Me too, here via the next button. Not sure, but this may explain it some...just read an October entry on blogger's blog (heheh) that said the 'next blog' feature had been adapted to show you blogs they think would be more along your lines of interest and in your blog's language. Didn't quite explain how they determine same, but I'd say based on what I'm coming up with when I hit the button, it has something to do with your blogger surfing history. You can read the entry if you want at http://buzz.blogger.com/2009/10/new-transparent-navbar-styles.html
Good blog, enjoyed what I read. :)
conference skill enhancement of teachers parents, g.senthilkumar, helikx, lead 2010, r.panchanathan, r.raja govindasamy, s.devi priya, sarada college, usha ramakrishnan, velusaravanan
-a. Congrats on your Queen-for-a-WellRead-Day nuevo-fame in Bloggovania. And tyvm for the lip gloss.
::pause:: Got here after curing my next button's flip-flopping between two nowhere (like my own) blogs::
-b. Tadich Grill, San Francisco. Worth wait and price for their seafood. I'm SFState alum and former res of 'TheCity' Enjoy your trip to one of my fave cities on the planet!
Gave the wrong date & link re: above. It is a November entry, and the link should be http://buzz.blogger.com/2009/11/coming-up-next.html
Also, re: the glitch theory, your blog was the 2nd blog (2 different sessions) I come on when I click the button. The 1st one I get is a blog called "Durova." Just wondering whether we're all getting the same results? May help provide a clue.
i´m spanish but I think i could write in English.
I arrived here by "next blog" from Durova. Then, I clicked next button and i appeared in another blog, later i clicked it again and appeared in durova( another time!)
Because of that, i clicked next button and i was another time here!
That's how I got here too. From my blog I hit next. I went through two others then yours...then it becomes cyclical. I'm stuck in blogland! Great blog though (o:
Hi like most i'm here via blog surfing, nice blog
now i cant go anywhere else but yours and 3 other blogs, kind of annoying. have a good day
ugh! you have word verification???? eeekkkk!!!
Hello! :) and pardon my interuption, but I was just wondering if you or anyone you know, know of someone who is looking for a "good" husband? If so, then today is their lucky day!
OK...so I found you blog surfing too, but #1 I'm not some weird freak who is looking for a wife (I've got a husband) and #2 I really like your writing style!
Thanks for sharing your favorite posts, I enjoyed reading them. I think I'll pop back here again!
Hehe I was bored, clicking on next blog a lot when I was about to give up and shut down my laptop, then I accidently hit next blog one more time and found you. And I think I'll stick around ;)
Interesting… I might try some of this on my blog, too. It’s quite interesting how you sometimes stop being innovative and just go for an accepted solution without actually trying to improve it… you make a couple of good points.
online marketing
Yep, must be a glitch in the matrix - As I too was stuck rotating "next blog" between 3 different blogs after leaving mine. And these too were of no relation to mine.
But... Glad I was able to stumble by. You've got some interesting random musings (I'm more a rambler) and fun reading. The others were very boring.
Now, it's time for a drink and a few clicks on your 'favorite posts', I could use a 'laugh my ass off' day.
Tony aka Master of Madness
I got here by hitting the 'next blog' from my blog...ride the glitch wave as long as you can!
me too....for the "Next Blog" button...and I enjoyed the read.
Another from the "Next Blog" button, are there too many of us with too much time on our hands? Have fun in San Francisco!
I clicked the next blog button! Those who speak french can visit my website about spa jacuzzi
so funny.. I got here by next blog just now.. very interesting and I'm glad I visited.. take care :)
i also found you by "next blog-ing" and i REALLY like your black and white template/background. did you make it or find it somewhere? i'm kind of jealous...
Yes, I came here via the "next blog" button!!!! Girl, now's the time get some advertising on your site and cash in! Anyway, good blog!
I accidentally hit the next blog button, I guess, but it worked out good seeing that I hit a normal blog and not someone showcasing a plastic Jesus collection! You should stop by! I am going to follow your blog!
If you drop by, go to my wizard of otin site!
I got here by the "Next Blog" button, too! The first time I ever used it.
Wow, i guess your blog is the official NEXT BLOG! Congratulations. i too clicked on Durova then here. read about your buds Clarence & Rocky, cutee! i plan on reading more...
ps. if that thing about blogs are true & the next blog button is adaptable to our blog posts & interests & style of writing... then all those who've comment, including me & you, Kate the Great, have something in common!
perhaps it's all the mighty fine titties. :D
Glitch. We try to 'go to next blog' but it cycles you and two other blogs. Blogger has been getting stuck like this here and there. Yours seems to be one of the blogs that gets users caught in a loop.
Yep - defo a glitch - 3 blogs looping over and over again... not a bad thing as your blog is interesting!
Ride that wave while you can!
I myself would love some of your hit love karma lol! 4000 hits in one day on my blog would be awesome, grats! (Even if it is a glitch!)
stumbles on you with the next blog button and 3 of the same blogs over and over but don't get discouraged and keep on blogging
i just bout to log off my computer when incidentally press next blog. nice and keep writing...
shiela @ dubai UAE
Hey awesome blog...I too found it through the "next blog" button but it was a pleasant surprise. Best of luck on your life journey! You seem to be on the right track.
My journey here was a little different than most judging by the already left comments. First off I had to be born, which let me tell ya wasn't a very pleasant experience for all concerned, my mother drew the short straw though as being handed a screaming little bundle with a face like it had swallowed a lemon just isn't what she had dreamed about and what timing...the visitors armed to the teeth with camera's all keen to get a snap or two of the healthy baby boy..little did they know they would have to apply for X certs to get the pictures developed. From there it was a long and dangerous road to reach here. I remember falling off the wood yard roof, witnesses said I was pushed by a man but like I explained to the police, my dad wouldn't do such a thing. Then there was the numerous being run over incidents..dangerous drivers are all over the place I'm sure, but when you get hit by a car when you're hiking half way up a mountain then you do suspect your unlucky. Off roading my a**. But did I 'next blog' I bet you are keen to know...
That's my secret
Keep up the good work.
I sometimes follow the "next blog" option on the toolbar and it takes me to lots of different blogs. However at the moment it keeps turning me around in a circle of three blogs one of which is yours :)
"next blog" person :) sometimes chance upon nice ones :)
raxx is my girl friend and i would do anything she tells me, so i am here to scope you out, you are very pretty and do not come to my blog because even though i am rich[5million last year} and very handsome, you cannot have me, nope NOT
The navbar is stuck. I keep getting your page over and over coming from the same previous blog. When I am at another blog and use next blog, there I keep getting the same new blog over and over.
I also found you from the next blog button. :) good stuff.
yup, the navbar is stuck - good for you :))))
I next blogged and am now subscribing. Great blog.
Ditto - found you by clicking the next blog. I'm glad I did - great blog!
Next blog's still stuck...so now I'll try and shamelessy ride your wave and promote my own blog! :)
Next Blog: http://soulfabric.blogspot.com/
p.s. You really do have a good blog. I'm gonna follow yours, and you're certainly welcome to follow mine if you want.
...ah, to say I knew you 'when.' Congrats KT. It's quite an accomplishmet to keep a blog going, especially one I read every day. :)
I got here through "next blog" and found your blog very interesting :)
hello kate, how do you do
very amuzing blog I may say, but nice in some way
I'm a victim of the Next Blog button...But I have to say I'm glad I stopped by to read your blog. It's very refreshing and I like your writing style.
No longer bored. Hit next and found your blog ~ nice writing!
As another Next Button follower, I just want to congratulate you on your wonderful grasp of language. I love your blog! I can't stop reading! Your voice comes out so well in the writing! :) I look forward to more posts!
not that your blog isnt AWESOME!!! hehe
I know the other day when i was doing the next blog thing, it kept leading me in circles over and over back to yours and this other one that was weird and nothing i was interested in. Just kept repeating itself. Annoyed me.
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