This is a basic tenet of life I had to learn at a young age.
There was the jerk who called me so many names in school that he launched a firestorm of harassment aimed in my direction. It turns out he actually had a crush on me - he just didn't know how to handle it.
Then there was Frank, the object of my youthful affection and the first pair of lips I kissed.
We were neighborhood pals, part of a brood who'd roam the neighborhood in the summertime to play Super Mario Brothers during the day and Ghost in the Graveyard at night.
Frank and I were tight - as tight as two kids could be. We shared the same strange genetic code that was responsible for horribly kinky, white-kid-afro hair. Our moms laughed that when we grew up and got married, our children would come out looking like Chia Pets.
A year younger than my highly esteemed 12 years of age, Frank and his slowly percolating hormones didn't know how to handle me and my bangin' physique (well, what else would a boy that age call a girl who was entitled to wear an underwire?)
I went to horseback riding camp for two weeks, and sources
And then he threw the glass jar at me.
There I was, minding my own business, walking to a very important business appointment (AKA babysitting gig), when he ran down the hill that was his front yard, chucking a Mason jar - not the little one, but the big one your grandma used for canning green beans - right at the foot of my white, woven sandals.
Frank's mom asked him why he did such a thing, and he sheepishly replied, "But, Mom! I like her..."
Isn't that what they always say?
More than 20 years later, I notice guys pulling the same stunts on women. They show interest, do something to hurt us, and then run for home base.
I don't know what it is, exactly. Do these men not know how to express how they feel about a woman? Are they uncertain about the consequences of their feelings? Do they (perhaps incorrectly) worry that if they tackle a girl in a game of tag, they're going to end up living happily ever after and having lots and lots of Chia Pet babies?
The thing is, maybe I DO want to have Chia Pet babies someday. Maybe I do want to find that one guy who's up for an eternal game of Ghosts in the Graveyard. I want to find the guy who will give me the better Nintendo control because he enjoys watching *me* rescue the princess.
My heart is fragile, but I am patient and willing to play a few more rounds of tag to find the right guy.
And this time, if anyone chucks a glass jar at me - I'm throwing it back at 'em.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Very interesting - I don't have a clue excect maybe many guys are like vulcans.
I wish you lots of luck ! I do, perhaps foolishly, still believe in "lived happily ever after"
Unfortunately one side can not create that scenario, found that out the hard way, I settled.
Thats sweet. isnt this what we all (men and women) crave in life? A life of love and happiness....... You will find it!
a few things, first I haven't been able to read your blog since they blocked it at work so expect some serial commenting.
exactly a year ago I had a glass thrown at me and some friends at a bar, but that was hate.
Also there was that poor girl at bootsy's who lost an eye. Ironic that she now has a glass eye.
And to the gist of your topic, I was that kid growing up but since I've realized that I don't have to snap a bra or call a girl names to get them to like me I tend to overdo it in the other direction.
A girl I dated in STL told me I go from not dating to planning the wedding almost overnight. She's right, I do, I don't mean to but I let my heart get in front of my head. Is that a virgo trait?
And I love the security words, today it's "proprock"
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