Friday evening, the OtR set headed to Tostado's Grill for some karaoke and dirt cheap beer.
Loved hanging out with my pals at this fun spot. But a note for the guy who runs the karaoke: Dude, if you're gonna completely disregard my request, and give my song to someone more than an hour and a half after I request it, I'm gonna have to report you for being lame.
For reals.
Saturday started off with a smash, er, the replacement of my smashed car window. Such is live living in the big city. Note to city dwellers - check to see if "dealer glass" is cheaper than the replacement glass provided by the glass company. Glass from the Saab dealership was cheaper by more than two hundred bucks.
After the window replacement bit, I decided to treat myself and head on up to Lebanon, Ohio to buy an antique chair I spotted a week ago while exploring the northern regions with my pal Joe.
Behold, the beloved antique chair - complete with brand new caning - for a grand total of $17.
While cruising through the stalls at the Broadway Antique Mall, I found another chair I just had to have. A vintage/retro chair with (I believe) an oak frame, upholstered in a clean, turquoise vinyl, trimmed with silver studs on the back. You can just make out the studs on the right side of the chair in the picture below.
My bedroom is finished with linens in blue and cream, and I think this chair is a perfect, eclectic edition.
Saturday night was a trip to the West Side - a rare occasion for this girl raised on the East Side (for those of you not from Cincinnati, you can read about this mythical dividing line here). We went to Maury's Tiny Cove for dinner, a joint that looks like it's half Regal Beagle and half throwback to my days of visiting Nana and Papa in Youngstown.
You can read the online reviews for yourself. They pour a nice (albeit warm) Manhattan and the cut of Prime Rib was amazingly thick and super delicious. I was happy to have soaked up this retro scene (complete with steer horns hanging on the walls) despite leaving my passport at home.
East Side for life, yo.
Sunday was a melange of activity - catching up with my best gal pal, Bluegrass Brit, over a trip to Neltner's Farm and Greenhouse in Camp Springs, Kentucky. Several of us ladies made the excursion up the AA Highway to enjoy a hayride, pick out pumpkins and admire crafts galore.
The hayride was a bit bumpy, and I wished I was wearing a sports bra, but all in all it was a great escape from city life.
Afterwards, we sipped on hefeweisen and noshed on copious amounts of gluttonous food at Newport's Hofbrauhaus - the perfect cure when one is walking with a touch of a hangover.
Sunday night involved a trip to the Mercedes dealership on Montgomery Road for a charity wine tasting supporting research to find a cure for epilepsy (shout out to my one of my besties, Julie, for the tix). Great sushi from Embers and a variety of delicious wines from several wineries including the well made local vintage Burnet Ridge.
Sadly, no take-home party favors involving a CLK 430, but I sure had my fingers crossed.
One final note.
I made a stop at the Rookwood Charming Charlie on Saturday afternoon after the excursion to Lebanon. This place is basically a "Claire's Boutique for Grownups" and could financially ruin anyone who craves nice accessories.
I scored the necklace and earrings featured in the picture below for a whopping $20. I love it because the balls look like either gray pearls or polished silver (matching my daily pieces).
So, there I was last night, noshing on delicious food and sipping fine wine, when this older British
I was flattered/shocked/creeped out in one fell swoop.
But the comeback was obvious.
"Thanks. You should see my other balls. They're as big as watermelons."
Hope y'all have a great week,

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
I love this picture of you Katy!
Those witty comebacks, like what you gave to creepy British guy are why we all like you, Kate.
Glad to see you are enjoying life as much as ever.
I love the necklace and your snappy comeback.
I've found that the English have a different sense of humor. One reason I like them. Your comeback, even better.
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