Every few years (or maybe more frequently for some of you), we singletons decide to be proactive in our quest to find the right match. Single women may be compelled to buy a new tube of lipstick, hit the driving range or grab a glass of wine at a bar that's new to them.
Me? I'm always moved to sign on for an online dating site. If you look hard, you'll find my pics and profile on one of the more popular sites. We'll see how it goes. I'm not holding my breath.
(editor's note: as I type this blog post, I am sipping a glass of white wine and am watching The Bachelor. I am clearly not the only woman or man seeking to move beyond Single status when filling out a 1040 IRS form).
If I was a rich (and Jewish) girl, I'd get a Yente.
The character of the same name in Fiddler on the Roof is a matchmaker who searches for a husband for Tzeitel, the oldest daughter in a family of five girls. When Tzeitel and her sisters sing the classic Matchmaker song, they run through the list of qualities they're seeking in a man.
Not a lot has changed over the years.
Women and men alike are seeking stability, kindness and honesty. Me? I just don't know if I could survive with a partner lacking a sense of adventure.
But just like Tzeitel & Co., I'm patient.
"...Up to this minute I've misunderstood that I could get stuck for good..."
Just like in the big Broadway show, relationships can bring on a variety of constraints established by family and cultural traditions. No matter how much we evolve as a society, single people searching for the right partner will always have to deal with expectations set forth by family and friends.
Thankfully, even the conservative father Tevye concedes that love is important in a relationship. "It's the new style," he says.
Let's hope it never goes out of style.
Fiddler on the Roof hits the stage in the Procter and Gamble Hall at the Aronoff Center between February 15 and 27. You can buy tickets and read more about this timeless classic here.
(Disclosure - Thanks to Ionic Collective for the opportunity to see the show next week).

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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