Sunday, March 08, 2009

Reliving A Blessing

A person can usually reflect back on the days of their life and recall the top five most significant moments they've lived.

In my approximate 11,750 days of life, I can honestly say one of those experiences spanned the weekend of March 15, 2008.

That was the second and last time I got to see my precious, miraculous niece, Maeve.

I was blessed with an opportunity to take a weekend excursion to Atlanta that weekend to dote on my chubby, five-month-old niece and catch up with my sister and brother-in-law.

No one had any idea that weekend would be Maeve's last healthy weekend of her life - it is a coincidence and significance that is not lost on me.

Since that weekend, we've weathered other truly horrible milestones - Maeve's two months of hospitalization and a laundry list of heart procedures, the crushing day when we lost her. The equally anguished moment we had to say our final goodbye.

Our family has traveled a journey - our hearts healing while longing for one whose heart was flawed from her first breath.

I've had sleepless moments and crying jags that burned my lungs and left my sheets stained with mascara. I've prayed a thousand whispered prayers for those lives departed for more peaceful circumstances, and those seeking peace in every moment they're here on earth.

I've asked why. I've sworn like a sailor. I've leaned on my friends.

While the loss and grief have taxed my heart and soul the most, it's that last weekend with Maeve that I revel in.

This weekend I'm approaching the anniversary of the last time I saw Maeve - the first of many, painful anniversaries in the months ahead. Thankfully I'm grateful I'll be spending this weekend with my family and a few spectacularly wonderful friends.

Brigid and Steve have started the Maeve Fintak Foundation in honor of the daughter they love so much. The foundation is just in its inception, but already we are kicking things off the right way - with a golf tournament in South Carolina.

Brigid and Steve got to know each other while working at the same dive bar while in college - Clemson's Tiger Town Tavern. All these years later, TTT has generously stepped up to sponsor the Maeve Fintak Charity Golf Tournament on March 14 at Boscobel Country Club in nearby Pendleton, SC.

We're expecting a stellar crowd of friends and family traveling from near and far for the occasion. My best gal pal, Bluegrass Brit and I are making the journey from Cincinnati to volunteer our services as beer-and-shot girls who will roam the course in a cart offering beverages and cigars in exchange for donations to the charity.

We are the perfect girls to take on such a worthy duty.

I am so proud of Brigid and Steve for organizing this event. They have come so far in the past 10 months; I know their souls have grappled with despair and excruciating pain - I am proud they have sought out opportunities and people that have helped them cope with their grief.

I am grateful the miracle of a new life has helped them find hope and optimism amidst their heartbreak.

And I am thankful for this weekend's opportunity to meet with Brigid and Steve and reminisce about the many special moments of that last weekend with Maeve.


Anonymous said...

I just recently started following your heart breaks for you and your family with the loss of such a beautiful little girl.

Monika R. "RedKat" said...

Wow...hon, I'm so sorry. No one should have to go through this kind of loss, ever.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....