Monday, September 17, 2007


The number of Tylenol tablets I just took to try and snuff out my pulsating headache.

The number of fun social events I have to look forward to through Saturday.

The number of volunteer commitments I have on my calendar through this week.

The number of beers (Blue Moon) I had yesterday while reacquainting myself with an old friend.

The number of football games I watched this weekend (Good: UK vs. Louisville. Bad: Bengals vs. Browns)

The number of newscasts I produced today (noon and 4 pm. Allison... I miss you and hope you're enjoying maternity leave!)

The number of times that I have caught myself searching my purse for my MIA cell phone. It must be on my dresser at home. Drats.

The number of times I've tried to return a phone call involving a very unpleasant situation between a former employer and another former employee.

The number of cultural performances I have to look forward to between now and the 26th. Check out the Cincinnati Ballet's season opener New Works (this isn't ballet with tutus and toe shoes. Think techno music, athletic prowess and sex in motion) and My Fair Lady at the Aronoff.

The number of new sweaters I bought at the Gap Outlet Sunday. I love love love that place.

The number of loads of laundry I need to do - and fast.

The number of cds I will burn to save all of the pictures on my memory card so it's erased before my trip.

The number of frozen meals (I can't get enough of those Healthy Choice Steamers right now) I'll likely eat today.

The number of days that have passed since I had my full foil highlight.

The number of days that will likely pass before I decide I actually like it.

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