Thanks to all of you for your wonderful prayers, kind e-mails and comments on the blog about my niece.
My family and I are truly grateful to know we have so many dear friends interested in and caring about our little Maevey. I got a call from my dad at 2:30 pm Friday afternoon letting me know Maeve's operation was over.
Doctors told my sister Brigid and her husband Steve the surgery was a success but that there are still several complications in play.
The good news is doctors discovered the left side of Maeve's heart is fine. This is excellent because that's the more important side of the heart - it directly pumps blood to the brain and body.
The right side, though, it's a mess.
The right side of Maeve's heart (which pumps blood to the lungs) had a faulty valve that surgeons removed. Doctors told Brig and Steve that the baby doesn't need the valve now but will need it when she's five or six - and that at least two other heart surgeries can be expected down the road.
The doctor also confirmed that a heart transplant may be needed eventually.
Maeve's heart has been working overtime to keep that little girl alive and so the muscle itself has gotten quite tough - about the consistency of a body builder's heart (I don't believe Miss Maevey's been pumping any iron when Mom and Dad weren't looking), and this is apparently not a good thing. Doctors hope the heart will soften over time.
Doctors initially said Maeve was going to stay in the hospital for 10 days. Right now she is in an ICU unit with other cardiac babies and was expected to move to a private room next Wednesday or Thursday. This new room would have a bed for Mom or Dad to stay so they could catch some ZZZZs while hangin' with Maevey.
Yesterday afternoon the doctors stressed Maeve was in for a tough recovery and that proved true last night. Some complications arose and doctors had to re-open Maeve's chest last night. Brigid said in an e-mail that doctors are keeping Maeve's chest open for a few days - I am not sure what the circumstances are leading to this situation but we are confident little Maevey is getting the best medical care available in the world.
We are fortunate that Maeve's treatment is at the Sibley Heart Center at Atlanta Children's Hospital. The journalist in me was comforted in knowing Child magazine ranked Sibley as one of the top three pediatric cardiac programs in the nation.
While Miss Maevey is getting the best possible care available through modern medicine - our family believes science and technology alone will not heal this little girl.
We continue to ask for your prayers and kind thoughts.
I'll keep you updated on the blog,
KtG (or in this case, Aunt Katy)
You, your family and little Maeve are in my thoughts and prayers.
She is adorable. Then again, all babies are.
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