That's a common toast offered when good friends gather to clink glasses for a special occasion. Whether it is a new engagement or baby or professional success or other occasion, they each rely on your living a healthy lifestyle to endure through each experience.
The fact is, being a woman is tough business. Sometimes the growing demands can leave little time to think about good health.
Heart disease is the biggest killer of women, and it's easy to see why. We eat on the run, and ironically, many of us don't have time to run (or walk or bike or jump). I know I am guilty of putting my personal and professional priorities at the top of the list, at the expense of a healthy lifestyle.
I have, however, made some changes to my diet in an effort to regulate the insulin in my blood and stave off diabetes. I have a medical condition that affects the way my body processes food and makes insulin, and diabetes offers a real threat to me in the future.
Another serious threat affecting thousands of women each year - breast cancer. I am thankful that I cannot recall a single case of breast cancer in my entire family, that said, it doesn't mean I shouldn't be concerned. The fact is, breast cancer affects one in eight women over the course of their lives. When considering my sisters and best friends, I worry one of them will cope with the sometimes fatal disease.
But that's the thing. These diseases don't have to be fatal.
Cincy Chic is hosting its annual Red, Pink and Blue fashion show and health awareness event on June 25 on the Purple People Bridge. The event pays special attention to those three health issues (red for heart disease, pink for breast cancer and blue for diabetes) and invites women to celebrate good health with friends.
I have the unique opportunity of being able to offer three pairs of complimentary tickets to Red, Pink and Blue, courtesy of the gals at Cincy Chic.
Since we're toasting to good health, I'm asking you to submit an either red, pink or blue cocktail recipe. The winning recipe for each color will receive a pair of tickets to the event.
Please submit your cocktail recipe in the comments section, and I'll mull them over and pick winners next Thursday, June 24.
Good luck!
Red, Pink and Blue hits the Purple People Bridge between Cincinnati and Newport on Friday, June 25 at 6:30 p.m. The fashion show hits the runway at 9 p.m., and the after-party kicks off at Star Lanes at the Levee at 10:30 p.m. Tickets are $15. Attendees will enjoy cocktails, food, shopping and a fashion show, as well as have an opportunity to take advantage of special, complimentary health checks. Click here for more information and to buy tickets.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
does sangria count as a red cocktail? red wine + little sugar + oranges wedges + club soda
Congrats to Andi for being the winner of this contest! You can pick your tickets up at will call tomorrow evening!
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