Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dear God, It's Me Kate

So, I am feeling some pressure to get married.

It started weeks, no probably months ago. Most of my friends are married, getting married. Have babies or are having babies. A few years back I could deal with being the honorary Party Girl in the group, but now that most (not all, folks) of the Party has been taken out of the Girl, I am anxious for the next stage I choose this is my choice, afterall to define my existence.


I spoke to a dear friend on Sunday whom I hadn't talked to since October. He's very spiritual and has several, several years on me, so I know I can always count on him for some good advice.

The good Catholic friend he is, he suggested I search online for a good novena. There are millions of patron saints out there, something for just about anything you might need help with. In the past I've found patron saints for mothers, wine, television writers, the State of Kentucky, so naturally I knew there would be at least one for single women.

Actually, I found five.

Saint Andrew. He's the patron saint for all kinds of people like fishermen, Scotland, Russia, single women and gout.

Saint Catherine

Saint Ursula

Saint Vivian is also the patron saint of hangovers (a garden from her grave grew herbs that were said to cure hangovers) and cross dressers. Her feast day is December 2nd. So my birthday is sandwiched in the middle of two patron saints for single women. What does that mean?

St. Anthony isn't really a patron saint for single women, but the ladies in South America have an interesting tradition involving him in the hopes they find a good husband.

In the end, I have decided to try out an epic 25 day novena in the hopes I get what I want. The novena is to St. Andrew. Don't know whether it will work, however, I thought it was especially eery that his feast day was November 30th (the day I started searching for a novena).

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