I mean, when you turned four, it was very important, wasn't it?

Very important as in a special cake, a game of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey with all your best friends and maybe a brand new pair of Jordache jeans.
Very important as in special, pointed hats with elastic that pinched your chin and goody bags full of Jolly Ranchers and jelly bracelets.
Very important.
I can't believe my blog is four-years-old today. If she were a real, live person, she'd be unwrapping Hannah Montana cds and fluffy Webkins while nagging me for a juice box and another Dora DVD.
As it is, KRM is really just what it always has been to me, a literary playground where I can write down my thoughts, feelings and desires. Sometimes it's silly, sometimes it's serious - but hopefully it ALWAYS elicits a reaction.
I started my blogging career with this post, remarking that it's scary putting all your thoughts out there for the globe to see.
Actually, it's not that scary at all. For some reason, I keep doing it - and for some reason, you all keep coming back to read it.
Thank you for being gentle. Thank you for being supportive. Thanks for laughing along the way and thank you for picking my spirits up when I was trying to be strong through all the tears (especially over the past few months). Thank you for being bitchy and ballsy through all my man troubles and thank you for encouraging me to add to my spectacular shoe collection.
A month ago I alluded to some significant changes on the blog. What changes? you ask. The blog looks the same, you say. Yes, it pretty much looks the same. Last month I bought my domain name (got rid of the blogspot.com) in anticipation of a major overhaul.
And it's coming.
It turns out, sometimes these kinds of changes can't happen overnight. They can't even happen in the time span of one month. Just know I am really excited about the plans I have for the blog and I think you will be, too, once you see it in all its glory.
In the meantime, go to the bar, grab a cocktail and mingle with the rest of the crowd.
The party's just getting started.
Happy birthday and congratulations! KRM inspired me to start my own blog...
Excited to see the new changes coming to katesrandommusings.com
I was going to revamp my blog last year but I became lazy and fat instead. I'll do it next year when I'm fit and trim.
Anyway, happy blog birthday and good luck.
Happy blog birthday. You were one of my first "blogger friends" I made when I had mine.
I wish I had lasted as long. I miss deleting my blog almost daily. One day I'm going to recreate one. In fact, I just bought a new laptap in anticipation.
Again, congrats!
Jelly bracelets! I'm have such flashbacks here.
Hmm.. We started 2 weeks apart from one another. We both live in Cinci. We both like alcohol.... Too strange!
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