Thursday, January 17, 2008

Perfect Storm of Love

Time Magazine has an interesting article on that fantastic sensory explosion you feel when experiencing love at first sight.

The fireworks. The red, flushed cheeks. The racing heart that feels like it's going to pound out of your heaving chest.

Yeah, I know a thing or two about that spectacular frenzy of love.

I've been swept off my feet before - and I can call at least one occasion love at first sight.

It's something I'll never forget, with a man whom I'll never forget.

The article breaks down the science of attraction - how we human beings are basically on a hunting expedition for the perfect mate. The smells, the visual signals, our bodies pick up on clues and other signs that someone is ripe for love - the right kind of love.

And who knew that some first kisses are more magical than others?

Well, okay, I knew - only because I've had a few spectacular lip locking moments, and a few amorous occasions that left a lot to be desired... But it turns out kissing is a biological taste test that helps you find the perfect life partner. The art of kissing exposes two potential partners to a set of chemicals that can indicate whether the kissers are a match.

And kissing could even be a natural aphrodisiac - a chemical mickey that helps a man increase a woman's arousal.

Practically everything the human body does can send a message of a potential partner's worthiness.

A person's tonal qualities in their voice, the amount of chest hair a man displays, a woman's ample breast - they're all signs that help reel in a suitor.

The report definitely sheds light on some interesting conclusions, but I believe the biggest nugget out of this whole thing is this:

It looks like I'm going to probably have to kiss a few more toads.

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